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Everday is a goodstart

Sunday, August 26, 2012

我可以清楚的感觉到我的心灵已经开始走向虚伪的路线。有时并不是我要而是被逼成的,渐渐的潜意识已经养成了一个习惯,见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。人生这段路可见越来越难走。见到心口爽快的人可就是我的有缘人,可以暂时抛下这一类的负担。敢于接受批评的人,我反而跟可以把我要所传达的讯息完全的表达出来所以更值得我尊敬。面对他们将不会有恐惧。 可以感觉到我心中时时刻刻为自己为起了一个防护罩。我很不喜欢这感觉。我累了,我真的累了。我不要再戴上暂时性的虚伪面具。我累了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

Thursday, March 15, 2012



"No difference in the past, non-attachment the future, do not play on the now. Anju now, and happy to live the moment", which Buddhist Feeling deep sentence, which fell heart, the mind immediately let me have far-reaching everywhere cool.





  This world is intricate, and criss-cross, wrapped around wrapped around a bit with little trouble runs through the mind, what little trouble, if not pay attention to it, will gradually disappear, if it has repeatedly missed it, retaining possession of it, it will be more and more intractable. Buddhist phrase: "hungry to eat, sleep on sleep." It is simple and it is normal. May ask, how many people dull this world, sleep can not rest .

  If we do not want to hurt I just want peace of mind to live in quiet air, then we must be clued. Avoidance has been much stronger than a mass of bruises, we are only targeted at serious walking, not artificial, not hypocrites, do not behave themselves, but must not be presumptuous arrogance. We are only targeted optimistic about their own now, it has been exceeded, more exciting.


回忆美好时刻-Try to Remember the Good
Everyday is A Gift 珍惜每一天

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Monday, December 19, 2011


Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Saturday, October 29, 2011



Tuesday, September 28, 2010


This morning, when i was about to start my journey to my college by walking to my coursemate's house since she would fetch me along too. I played back all my previous sound records in Preventive Healthacre(PH), which i previously worked at, some thoughts came through my mind which is hope.

Working in this company other than your hardwork whihc plays an important role, hope is an another element which I have learnt from this working environment. During that working period, I and my colleagues had to "pull" the customers to come to hospital to have a look on our medical screening programme. Calling people up and getting the sound of "dududududududududududu" had been my everdays life, getting scold from some of them without any reasons over the phone yet we had to keep calling non stop in order to find the hope.

It is that we got to call them up and explained the purpose of inviting them to hospital which is viewing the medical programme. Of course, u will b questioning what makes them come? In order to protect my company's privacy i can only we have some legal professional skill to make such an invitation.

The point here is that in the process of inviting them to come over here, we have to make a booking with them requiring them to reveal some of their common personal details over the phone. However, it does not mean that when we succesfully make a booking with them, they wil come over here as they had promised. Hence, it can be that ones makes 20 booking and only 1 of them turns up! We got to accept such a cruel fact and keep relying on our hope. If you are lucky enough you will get 10 turn up rate out of 20 boookings.

One booking represents one hope, 20 of them 20 hopes. Sometimes, there is an element of hypocrite because they are so called to be hopes; what about if none of them turn up and can they be hopeless instead of hope? I had been thinking this about 1 month after resigning from PH and finally i found an answer yesterday. I think hope is just a probabilities of being succesful and failed. Although we know the definition of hope through our studies yet sometimes we are blindly folded by our anger, frustration,emo etc and thus forgetting the word of hope and blamming it for the rest of our life.

I admit every people live in this earth, no doubt we rely on hope and as a result we believe in it. However, relying and believing in it are not sufficient for us but to consistently making our best effort. When the time comes, the real hope will come to you.
Best wishes to all of the readers here to succeed in your life. ^^